Urban Renewal Agency

The Priest River Urban Renewal Agency (PRURA) was created and approved by the Priest River City Council in 2007. The Agency was established to promote development and redevelopment efforts to improve the city's infrastructure. 

The PRURA's vision is to create a vibrant community with a "State of the Art" water and sewage system, a vibrant economy with a "Rebirth" of community treasures as to its history and heritage with a picturesque waterfront and pleasing residential district. 

The PRURA's mission is to provide leadership to promote activities to enrich the community economic environmental resources, its historic  heritage, its social assets, and identify the human resources to achieve community-wide benefits. 

The PRURA meets quarterly at 5:30 pm on the third Monday of January, April, July, and October in the Council Chambers at City Hall. 


Jim Martin, Chairman

Doug Wagner

Dan Eskelson

Dave Gebhardt

Chris Yount

Karly Kurylo

Steve Linton

If you would like to serve as a commissioner on the PRURA, please submit a letter of interest to the City of Priest River. You do not need to live inside city limits to serve as a commissioner.